“The recent public campaigns of activists in France have shown that the funds no longer hesitate to address the major French groups, including when the state is a shareholder, thus paving the way for new campaigns.”

Arnaud Salla, Managing Director


Country: France

Average % of insider ownership:


Threat Level

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France has long considered itself immune to activism thanks to its legal and regulatory system, often viewed by French companies as the “scarecrow” protecting them. Despite the unfriendly environment for activists, France has recently become one of the largest markets for shareholder activism in Europe. Even so, state influence over companies and management and employee protections leave roughly 40 percent of activist campaigns unsatisfied.

Shareholders reaching or exceeding a 5 percent threshold, including derivative holdings (alone or in concert) and 10, 25 and 30 percent after that, must disclose their voting interest with a declaration about intentions to acquire a controlling stake or to ask for seats on the company’s supervisory or management board.

5 percent of the voting rights give shareholders power to submit resolution proposals.

Structural defenses are limited. However, the “Société en Commandite par Actions” is probably the best-known type of defense structure, often used by family-owned companies. It protects the incumbent management through a partnership between general partners bearing unlimited liability and shareholders with limited liability.

Top Campaigns by Type

1. Gain Board Representation
2. Oppose takeover terms
3. Removal of CEO or other Board member

Campaigns By Year



Notable Invested Activists

BJ Invest
Dialectic Capital Management
Wyser-Pratte Management Co

Recent activism campaigns

Euro Disney S.C.A
Wyser-Pratte Management Co
SoLocal Group
D&P Finance
Peugeot S.A.
Dialectic Capital Management

Total Active


Contact FTI Consulting

Geoff Serednesky

Capital Markets Research and Activist Engagement
Managing Director
+1 312 861 4721

Arnaud Salla

Co-Head Paris office - Head EMEA Capital Markets
Managing Director
+33 (0)1 47 03 68 65